Monday, May 6, 2013


For the third year in a row we traveled to Knoxville Tennessee on the first weekend of May. The event? Graduation! 

This was the year for our youngest son to graduate from Johnson University and oh what a graduation it was. He graduated Summa Cum Laude and was inducted into Delta Epsilon Chi Honor Society.  

Graduation celebrations actually started the week before when the Junior/Senior Banquet was held and Senior Superlatives were awarded. Andrew came home with a few: Most Huggable, Best to take home to Mom and Dad, and the second part of Should Have Been a Couple. Here's a photo of him and some of his fellow awardees  (Andew is second on the left)

Upon arriving on campus Friday afternoon we attended the annual tea at the White House that was hosted by Dr Weedman and his wife. Dale took a panoramic photo of the table spread (first time using this feature on his phone) 

Here's our graduate cooling off with a little punch  
I was NOT dressed for the day. when we left home it was raining and COLD. Up in Tennessee it was still sunny and hot!

Dale wasn't dressed for it either ... and I stink at taking photos, they're squinting because they're facing the sun. 
Andrew and his friend Jacob. "seriously Mom, go away!"

Dale took some outside shots - they look a lot like they did the previous year!

On to Graduation Night. This year the event was held at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium. Gathering outside, getting a little anxious to get the show on the road.
in the front here is Ben, Andrew's roommate for the last three years.

Last year when we met Ben's parents his mom told me that Andrew was the brother Ben never had. Awww, sweet!

We were lucky to get there early enough to get seats fairly close to the front. Ian had to work but made it just before they started. Of course we had to find our boy's name on the roster 

Andrew's boss, mentor, and friend, Dr Cook got a photo of him crossing the stage to receive his diploma

Dr Weedman presents his diploma 

Now let the fun begin. Celebrating with friends
After graduation roomies! Andrew, Cody, Ben, Austin, and Tyler
Big group shot 
Gretchen, Andrew and Maria
The Brainiacs - Sam, Austin, and Andrew. They have so much to be proud of!
Andrew and Alex

Devon and Andrew

Dr  Steve Cook and Andrew

and family, the proud parents and big brother.  

 Mom is so proud of both her sons, she can't stop talking about it ... even to get her picture taken.

Dad and Ian remember this time last year ....

It took forever to leave. It's hard when suddenly you realize that all these people you just spent the last four years living, learning, and growing with are suddenly moving on to the next step. But, for Andrew it won't be quite as hard. His plans for after graduation include moving into an apartment with four of his friends (see photo near the top) and he has procured a job working in the Registrars Office at the University.  He's so excited and I'm excited for him even through my sadness knowing my nest really is officially EMPTY.

As our sons are moving on to new phases in their lives, Dale and I are finding ourselves doing so also. None of us is sure of what the future holds but we are certain of one thing - no matter how much distance separates us - we will always be bound by the love, admiration, and devotion we hold for each other. Family ... it's what life is all about.

Thanks to modern technology - Skype, Facetime, and text messaging - we're all just a click away! Woohoo!!

1 comment:

  1. I know you are soooo proud of them both! You did a great job with them (still are!) I'm glad they aren't tooooo far away. They look so grown up from what I remember. I guess everyone is getting older huh?
