Thursday, July 4, 2013

It's the Fourth of July!

It took two years but I finally put an update on my Crafting blog. 

Alas it doesn't show a new craft, just an update on the status of my craftroom which has undergone a much needed facelift. Too many lots of photos. Maybe this will be just the inspiration I need to actually. craft. something!Click here if you care to see my room do-over

Meanwhile, today is July 4th. Independence Day in America. It's been a very under-whelming holiday this year because of the rain and the absence of two special guys.

Hunny and I were having a deep discussion over dinner. The topic? What would our lives be like if we had stayed under British rule?

What we came up with - 

  • we'd be speaking with a British accent (perhaps there would still be a Southern drawl to mine?)
  • we wouldn't be fighting over ObamaCare because we'd already be under the National Health Service
  • we'd be driving on the wrong side of the road
  • we probably wouldn't be watching Braves baseball, instead there might be a cricket match on the telly; and instead of anticipating the upcoming football season, we'd be looking forward to rugby; of course there'd still be tennis but it would be overshadowed by badminton
and instead of anxiously awaiting a fireworks show, we'd be counting down the days 'til the royal baby made an appearance.

Oh well, due to those patriots and their crazy ideas of freedom and justice for all, we sit here anticipating the booms and pows, the flashes of color, and the showers of sparkling confetti descending down on our heads. Oooohs and aaaaahs are on the tip of our tongues and patriotic songs fill our ears ...

Nope. Not this year. This year the only booms come from the rolling thunder pounding overhead. The only showers come from rain gushing out of the clouds. And the music ... Barry Manilow serenading (and very badly I must say, sorry Janet) us on the telly. 

And Lyra ... she's pretty sad. It's her first Independence Day and she's missing out on all the fun we promised her. 
Where are the purrty lights you promised me?

go away, I want to be alone now
Maybe next year will be different but meantime enjoy a few photos from another year.  

So there you have it - Happy 4th of July everyone - hope you're having a blast wherever you are and whatever you're doing. 

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