Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Whiskers, the Boy, Not the Cat Food

Why is it when they're little they want to shave? 

But when they get older ... not so much? 


Oops! He's not that hairy

Here's my little non-shaver. 

 and here's Whiskers with his new friend Sophia Bray. I'm so glad one of Ian's friends is willing to share his dog with him. Maybe one day he can get another dog of his very own ... which is fine with me as long as he's living under his own roof.

This man-child of mine is coming home for a visit this weekend, the first since he moved back in July. Can't wait to see him and give him a great big hug. Facebook, Skype, and texting are wonderful tools for keeping in touch, but nothing can replace an in-person hug. I'm officially counting down the hours ...


  1. Beautiful post, as always. Enjoy your little big boy's visit!

  2. Woo hoo kid visit!! I know my mom is counting down the days til we all arrive for Thanksgiving!
