Saturday, November 19, 2011

19 Being Thankful

Today I am thankful for unexpected blessings. Without getting too personal (I have been accused of over-sharing here before), I'll say that we received some money recently that was totally out of the blue. And, it came at exactly the right time.

This weekend is the third in a row that we've had to take an automobile in for repairs. Some of the work we knew needed to be done but we kept putting it off because we didn't have the funds to pay for it. Some of the work was an unpleasant surprise. But, because of our totally unexpected blessing we were able to take care of our needs and not go into debt to do so.

Also due to our unexpected blessing we are able to take care of a few other things that have been sitting on the back burner. That back burner is actually overflowing with "things," I'm sure many of you can relate. It seems like something is always broken and needs to be fixed or replaced. Some people are in a position to immediately take care of those kinds of things, others are not. Guess which category we fall into?

Right now, I am just incredibly grateful that God has seen fit to bless us with the means to knock a few things off that back burner. I also pray He will continue to guide us in our journey and that we may be good stewards with anything He may choose to bless us with in the future.  

God is good,
all the time.

All the time,
God is good.

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